Liquefaction is a well-known phenomenon of ground fluidization and instability caused by a severe loss of shear strength and stiffness due to cyclic loading, that may occur during an earthquake in saturated coarse-grained soil deposits.

A catalogue including information regarding liquefaction-related phenomena occurred in Europe (e.g. sand ejects and boils, soil settlements and lateral spreading, ground and structural failures, etc.) has been built within the European LIQUEFACT project. Detailed descriptions of liquefaction manifestations triggered by earthquakes were gathered from accredited sources and then used to construct a European database under a GIS (Geographical Information System) environment. The catalogue includes two pieces of information: the main seismological features of each seismic event (e.g. date, geographic coordinates, magnitude, focal mechanism if known) and liquefaction site parameters (e.g. epicentral distance, type of manifestations, etc.).

The interactive version of the catalogue has been implemented to ensure its fully accessibility as webGIS:

Permission to use, copy or reproduce parts of the database is granted provided that ECLiq is properly referenced as: Bozzoni F., Cantoni A., De Marco M.C., Lai C.G. (2021). ECLiq: European interactive Catalogue of earthquake-induced soil Liquefaction phenomena. Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering.

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